Wireless systems

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Wireless measurement systems are booming. It uses various technologies such as WiFi, Bluetooth, LoRA, WirelessHART and much more. Each of these wireless systems has its advantages and disadvantages with regard to reliability, safety and durability. We are happy to advise you which of our wireless measuring systems is most suitable for your application.


JRI cloud data-acquisition software series MySirius

SKU W-9000299
The JRI MySirius application allows fully customizable management thanks to a dashboard and modules adapted to needs and jobs of the users. The data transmitted by the LoRa® SPY connected temperature sensors are easily overseen and managed on - full-web platform. The interface is user-friendly, intuitive and customizable with different indicators and favorites offering a data management adap...
Foxboro by Schneider Electric

Schneider Electric wireless central collector with WirelessHART for IAN series WCC10

SKU W-9000472
With the WCC10 central collector from Schneider Electric, the data from 8 wireless IAN field sensors can be collected. There are field sensors for measuring temperature, pressure and differential pressure. Communication between the field sensors and the WCC10 is via Bluetooth and can be fully configured with an app via WiFi. This makes the system very flexible and very easy to install. In addit...
Foxboro by Schneider Electric

Schneider Electric wireless temperature sensor for IAN series WRT10

SKU W-9000473
The wireless WRT10 temperature sensors measure the temperature of various industrial processes and send them wirelessly to a central collector (WCC10). This sends the values from multiple sensors via WirelessHART to any central system. There are RTD and thermocouple versions from -200 to + 885 ° C with various insertion lengths between 50 and 400 mm. Optionally, thermowells in various lengths c...
Foxboro by Schneider Electric

Schneider Electric wireless differential pressure sensor for IAN series WDP10

SKU W-9000476
The wireless WDP10 differential pressure sensors measure the differential pressure of various industrial processes and transmit them wirelessly to a central collector (WCC10). This sends the values from multiple sensors via WirelessHART to any central system. There are versions with differential pressure ranges up to 500 mbar, 2.1 bar or 21 bar. The field sensors are explosion-proof according t...
Foxboro by Schneider Electric

Schneider Electric wireless gauge pressure sensor for IAN series WGP10

SKU W-9000474
The wireless WGP10 relative pressure sensors measure the pressure of various industrial processes and transmit them wirelessly to a central collector (WCC10). This sends the values from multiple sensors via WirelessHART to any central system. There are versions with pressure ranges up to 2.1, 21 or 70 bar. The field sensors are explosion-proof according to ATEX and Canadian and American guideli...
Foxboro by Schneider Electric

Schneider Electric wireless absolute pressure sensor for IAN series WAP10

SKU W-9000475
The wireless WAP10 absolute pressure sensors measure the pressure of various industrial processes and transmit them wirelessly to a central collector (WCC10). This sends the values from multiple sensors via WirelessHART to any central system. There are versions with pressure ranges up to 2.1 bar absolute. The field sensors are explosion-proof according to ATEX and Canadian and American guidelines.

JRI Nano SPY Digital datalogger

SKU X-2032197
De Nano SPY Digital is een digitale datalogger speciaal voor applicaties waarbij de digitale voeler eenvoudig uitwisselbaar is met de logger. De kalibratiegegevens zijn opgeslagen in de voeler en kan daarom probleemloos op een andere logger aangesloten worden. Binnen MySirius wordt het serienummer van de Nano SPY digital en digitale voeler geregistreerd.

JRI wireless temperatureregistration en monitoring system series LoRa SPY

SKU 2025672
The LoRa SPY data recorders use the public LoraWAN network, which has national coverage in the Netherlands via provider KPN. Due to the strong LoRa signal it is possible to place the loggers almost everywhere, even in fridges with the door closed. The local display on the logger shows the last measured value and the recorders send their data directly to the MySirius software in the cloud via th...

LoRa TEMP+ ES temperatuur datalogger

SKU X-2032181
De LoRa TEMP+ ES datalogger van JRI meet en registreert temperatuur d.m.v. een optionele externe Pt-100 sensor. De volgende kabelvoelers zijn leverbaar: 09520 02: temperatuurvoeler, 3 meter platte kabel voorzien van binderconnector 10540: temperatuurvoeler, 8 meter platte kabel voorzien van binderconnector 13206: temperatuurvoeler, 40 cm meter platte kabel voorzien van binderconnector V...

LoRa TEMP temperatuur datalogger

SKU X-2032195
De LoRa TEMP datalogger van JRI meet en registreert de temperatuur met een interne sensor. Deze oplossing is ideaal voor het meten van omgevingscondities. Het meetbereik is -30°C tot 70°C en hoge IP-klasse van IP65. De LoRa TEMP werkt +/- 7 jaar op één Lithium batterij en heeft een geheugen voor 10.000 meetpunten. Niet leverbaar met kalibratiecertificaat.

ASF-22 Draadloze sensor voor temperatuur en CO2 met Sigfox communicatie

SKU 8001953
  • Interne sensor voor temperatuur en CO2 (5.000 ppm)
  • Communicatie via het Sigfox netwerk
  • Weergave van de meetwaarden op LCD scherm
  • 2x Lithium batterij (levensduur tot 10+ jaar)
  • Adapter optioneel
  • IP20
  • Direct inzetbaar op locatie
  • Incl. fabriekscertificaat en 3 jaar garantie
  • 24/7 monitoring en alarmering via OnlineS...

ASF-01 Draadloze temperatuur sensor, Sigfox, batterij gevoed

  • Geschikt voor het draadloos meten van temperatuur via interne sensor
  • Communicatie via het Sigfox netwerk
  • 24/7 monitoring en alarmering via OnlineSensor (optioneel)
  • Batterij gevoed (Lithium batterij met lange levensduur)
  • IP65
  • Direct inzetbaar op locatie
  • Incl. fabriekscertificaat en 3 jaar garantie

ASF-05 Draadloze 4-kanaals temperatuur sensor met Sigfox communicatie

  • 4 externe Pt1000 temperatuursensoren van -200 tot +260 °C
  • Communicatie via het Sigfox netwerk
  • Weergave van de meetwaarden op LCD scherm
  • Lithium batterij (>10 jaar)
  • Direct inzetbaar op locatie
  • Incl. fabriekscertificaat en 3 jaar garantie
  • 24/7 monitoring en alarmering via OnlineSensor (optie)
  • Sigfox gat...

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