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Sauermann Kimo Si-ATE320 flush-mount display
SKU | 8008384 |
The Sauermann Kimo Si-ATE320 is a flush-mount display that clearly presents measurement values from external sensors and transmitters. This display is ideal for HVAC, cleanrooms, and industrial installations, where multiple parameters such as temperature, humidity, airflow, and pressure need to be monitored.
Barksdale Series 7000 Pressure Switch
SKU | W-9000542 |
The Barksdale Series 7000 is the ideal solution for precise pressure control in industrial environments. These robust pressure switches are specifically designed to withstand harsh conditions, making them perfect for applications in mechanical engineering, hydraulics, and process industries.
Dwyer flow meter series VF Visi-Float
SKU | W-9000536 |
The Dwyer Flow Meter Series VF Visi-Float is a compact and reliable solution, ideal for measuring air, water, and other compatible liquids or gases. Made from high-quality acrylic and featuring a robust construction, the Visi-Float offers excellent durability and accuracy, even in demanding applications.
Barksdale Hydrogen Pressure Transducer BHyT-BoT Series
SKU | W-9000534 |
Our manufacturer, Barksdale, has developed innovative solutions for pressure sensors used in hydrogen applications, including the hydrogen pressure transducer BHyT-BoT series.
Barksdale Hydrogen Pressure Transducer BHyT – BiT Series
SKU | W-9000533 |
The Barksdale BHyT Refuel pressure transducer meets industry demands for precision and safety in hydrogen compression and refueling applications. Its design prevents hydrogen permeation, embrittlement, and leakage, ensuring long-term stability even under high pressure. The BHyT is ideal for refueling stations, delivering reliable performance. This pressure transducer ensures stability across...
Beka Pageant Intrinsically Safe 7-Inch Operator Display
SKU | W-9000531 |
The Beka Pageant is an intrinsically safe, panel-mounted 7-inch (177 mm) operator display with backlighting and touch buttons. It supports a plug-in CPU module with integrated PLC software and up to seven plug-in input and output modules. Powered by a single BEKA Power Isolator, it ensures easy installation and optimal reliability.
ATU-24 Multikanaals temperatuur datalogger
SKU | 8005271 |
- Meten en registreren van temperatuur
- 1 interne sensor, 3 Thermokoppel en 1x PT1000
- Geschikt voor thermokoppels type B, J, K, N, S en T
- Bereik interne temperatuur sensor -30°C tot +70°C
- Bereik externe PT1000 temperatuur sensor -200°C tot +260°C
- Bereik externe thermokoppels afh. van thermokoppel (max 1.800...
JRI digitale temperatuur sensor X² TØ9x36mm voor LoRa SPY Digital P/n: 12350 4
SKU | 8004509 |
JRI draadloze digitale datalogger serie Nova SPY
SKU | 8006913 |
De Nova SPY Digital is een digitale datalogger speciaal voor applicaties waarbij de digitale voeler eenvoudig uitwisselbaar is met de logger. De kalibratiegegevens zijn opgeslagen in de voeler en kan daarom probleemloos op een andere logger aangesloten worden. Binnen MySirius wordt het serienummer van de SPY digitale voeler geregistreerd. De Nova SPY is een 3-in-1 datalogger: meet afha...
SKU | 8001974 |
- Robuuste en compacte behuizing
- Voor effectieve bescherming tegen vocht, schoonmaakmiddelen en externe druk